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Economics at Fulbright

The Economics major provides students with the knowledge necessary to be an engaged participants in the private and public sector, both within and beyond Vietnam’s borders. Economics studies the decisions that individuals, companies, communities, and countries make about the allocation of time, money, and resources. The ways that these decisions are made and how their outcomes affect society raise crucial questions about efficiency and fairness that compel students to think about economics across disciplines within specific historical, political, and cultural contexts. The Economics major at Fulbright prepares students for a wide range of careers as well as for graduate studies in economics, finance, accounting, law, business management, and public policy.


Welcome to the Economics Major at Fulbright!

What is Economics? A common myth about economics is that it is all about money and that ‘doing economics’ is about predicting stock prices to make people rich. But economics is much more powerful than just that! Economics is the study of human behaviors and interactions that help us understand our evolution from small, hunter-gatherer societies to the complex world we find ourselves in today. At Fulbright, our economics program introduces students to theories of how individuals and firms make optimal decisions and how public policies can be used to correct market failures, stabilize the macroeconomy, and redistribute income and wealth.
Why Economics? Surveying a sample of college students, it is found the majority choose economics because they want “their education to be valuable”. Students value economics because it offers a framework for understanding global issues, helps improve decision-making skills, and enhances career prospects. The Economics major at Fulbright equips students with necessary analytic and quantitative skills to become ‘true economists’. Whether it is a career in consulting, finance, or government, or graduate studies in economics and related disciplines, our students are provided with an excellent foundation to thrive when they graduate.

Dr. Khieu Van Hoang

For more information about the Economics major, please contact our Major coordinator at

Academic spotlight

On September 27, Lê Kiều Oanh and Lê Quốc Chí, the two Co-Designers at Fulbright University Vietnam received the highly competitive Panasonic Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students 2022. Coming as different sets of personalities pursuing two distinctive development pathways, both Lê Kiều Oanh and Lê Quốc Chí – the recent Panasonic Scholarship winners have a special place in their hearts for the community. And in their own way, they strive to give back. Prof. Quan Manh Ha (Visiting Full Professor, University of Missouri) See more
On December 5, 2021, Fulbright University Vietnam junior Dang Nguyen Huong Duong (Class of 2023) along with her teammates Nguyen Cao Nam Anh (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland), Hoang Dieu Khanh (Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City) and Nguyen Le Minh Thy (DePauw University, USA) won the first prize of VinUniversity Global Case Competition 2021 organized by VinUniversity. The team EVA competed head-to-head in three rounds against 1,085 teams with 4,000 students from 200 prestigious universities in 30 countries before becoming the First Prize Winner of the competition. Fulbright student wins First Prize at VinUniversity Global Case Competition 2021 See more
Dr. Graeme Walker, Founding Faculty at Fulbright University Vietnam, recently concluded an undergraduate course, titled “Doing Economics”, preceded last quarter by a primer class on Statistics. Those closely related subjects are often seen as a specialist field, but at Fulbright, both courses were open to all undergraduates, not necessarily future economics majors. See more
Make a gift to Economics

Degree Requirements

A Bachelor of Arts in Economics is awarded following the successful completion of:

General education:

  • 5 Core courses (20 credits) and 8 Exploratory courses (32 credits), of which up to two Exploratory courses (8 credits) can be counted towards the major.
  • Experiential Learning (4 – 12 credits).

Regular Major Requirements:

  • 2 foundation courses (8 credits): Principles of Economics 1 and 2.
  • 2 methodology courses (8 credits)
  • 2 analysis courses (8 credits): Microeconomic Analysis and Macroeconomic Analysis.
  • 4 intermediate and advanced courses (16 credits), where at least two of them are advanced courses.
  • Capstone I and II OR two additional Advanced (300-level) courses (8 credits).

Sample Student Journey:

Year 1
  • Core Courses
  • Exploratory Courses
  • Methodology Course
  • Principles of Economics 1
  • Principles of Economics 2
Year 2
  • Core Courses
  • Exploratory Courses
  • Methodology Course
  • Microeconomic Analysis
  • Macroeconomic Analysis
Year 3
  • Experiential Learning
  • Electives (200-level and 300-level)
Year 4
  • Advanced Course
  • Capstone I and II or Advanced Courses
  • Electives

Capstone Eligibility

Students are eligible to do a Capstone if they have:

  • Declared Economics as your major,
  • Completed at least ONE 300-level course,
  • Earned at least a 3.0 major GPA, and
  • Been successful with your Capstone application.

Before students apply for a Capstone, they should declare their major, maintain good academic standing, and discuss their Capstone project with their academic advisor.

Minor Requirements

The minor in economics is meant to provide students with the essentials needed to be proficient in the field. A total of six courses are required, with some flexibility to allow students to design a minor that best supports their major or career goals. Students are required to take at least one of Principles of Economics 1 and 2 as well as at least one of Microeconomic Analysis and Macroeconomic Analysis. This allows students to choose four intermediate and advanced courses, of which at least two courses are advanced courses.

Requirements for Declaring Economics Major and Minor

In order to formally declare Economics as your major, you must complete:

  • 2 Foundation courses
  • 1 Methodology course
  • 1 Analysis course

In order to formally declare a minor in Economics, you must complete:

  • 1 Foundation course
  • 1 Analysis course

Requirements for Graduation

  • Students who major in economics must pass all chosen major courses with no more than two courses receiving a grade of D
  • Those who minor in economics must pass all chosen major courses with no more than one course receiving a grade of D

Graduation with Honors Requirements

  • Students must complete Capstone I and Capstone II
  • The Capstone must be graded Honors

A Note for Students Considering Graduate School in Economics or Finance

At the graduate level, studying either Economics or Finance requires a solid background in mathematics. In particular, courses in calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and real analysis are extremely useful in ensuring success in graduate studies. Students majoring in Economics who are considering graduate school are encouraged to take courses in Fulbright’s Applied Mathematics major to ensure they are well prepared. These students should also set up a meeting with an advisor in Economics to determine precisely which courses will be essential for your chosen graduate program.

Sample course list

  • Principles of Economics 1 and 2 (100-level): These two courses introduce microeconomics and macroeconomics, providing an overview of economic theories and analytical techniques applied to current issues. By studying both microeconomics (the analysis of choices made by people, firms, and governments) and macroeconomics (the analysis of the economy as a whole) students will develop their economic intuition as they better understand the functioning of the world.
  • Economic Methods (100-level): This course introduces basic concepts and methods of statistical analysis and fundamental rules of mathematics used in economic analysis. Students will be exposed to a wide range of economic problems and the methods to solve them. By completing this course, students will be qualified to take upper-level courses in the Economics major.

Note: The course Introduction to Data Analysis can be counted towards the Methodology Course requirements for students admitted before Fall 2023. Courses from the Applied Mathematics major that are equivalent to Economic Methods can also be counted towards the Methodology Course requirements. Approval of the Economics major coordinator is required.

  • Econometrics (200-level): This course is concerned with the application of statistical theory to the analysis of economic data and the estimation of economic relationships. The course focuses on regression analysis and its uses in empirical economic research. Students will learn how to construct economic models and test them with data.
  • Microeconomic Analysis (200-level): This course focuses on how incentives both constrain and direct the decision making of consumers, producers, and governments. Students will learn to use both graphical and optimization techniques to solve the problems faced by consumers (what to buy), producers (what to produce and what price to sell it at), and governments (which policies to enact).
  • Macroeconomic Analysis (200-level): In this course, students will combine empirical observations and economic models to study the dynamics of the aggregate economy. This course focuses on the macroeconomic tools of government – fiscal and monetary policy – and their effects on long-run economic growth, employment, and inflation.
    Intermediate Courses (200-level): Intermediate level courses in Economics can be taken after at least one of Principles of Economics 1 and 2 and Economic Methods have been completed. Intermediate level courses will have students using tools and techniques from the first three Foundation level courses in applied areas of Economics.

    • Economic Development of Southeast Asia
    • Environmental Economics
    • Game Theory
    • International Trade

Advanced Courses (300-level): Advanced level courses in Economics can be taken after at least one of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Analysis and Econometrics. Advanced level courses have students read, analyze, replicate, and create economic research.

  • Behavioral Economics
  • Money and Banking
  • Economics of Inequality
  • Public Finance
  • Financial Economics
  • International Economics
  • dropdown dot Foundation Courses (2 required)

    Foundation Courses (100-level):

    • Principles of Economics 1
    • Principles of Economics 2
  • dropdown dot Methodology Courses (2 required)

    Methodology Courses:

    • Economic Methods (100-level)
    • Econometrics (200-level)
  • dropdown dot Analysis Courses (2 required)

    Analysis Courses (200-level):

    • Microeconomic Analysis
    • Macroeconomic Analysis
  • dropdown dot Intermediate and Advanced Courses (4 required, at least 2 advanced)

    Intermediate Courses (200-level):

    • Economic Development of Southeast Asia
    • Environmental Economics
    • Money and Banking
    • Game Theory
    • International Trade
    • International Economics

    Intermediate level courses in Economics can be taken after at least one of Principles of Economics 1 and 2 and Economic Methods have been completed.

    Advanced Courses:

    • Behavioral Economics
    • Economics of Inequality
    • Public Finance
    • Financial Economics
    • Macro Finance

    Advanced level courses in Economics can be taken after at least one of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Analysis and Econometrics.

  • dropdown dot Capstone 1 & Capstone II OR Additional Advanced Courses (2 required)

Meet our faculty

Our faculty combines global experience and local insight, driving our commitment to providing you with academic excellence.

Featured faculty

Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Lan is an applied microeconomist focusing on the economics of education and industrial organization. Specifically, she is interested in using a variety of methods (structural, reduced form, and experimental) to examine education policies, such as school choice, charter schools, and educational investment. Despite starting out as a theorist, Lan took on more empirical research during her graduate studies, applying the tools of empirical industrial organization to the area she is passionate about: education. She firmly believes in equal opportunities to access a good education, which is a crucial foundation for success later in life. This is the guiding principle for both her research and teaching. Lan received her Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University and her B.A. in Economics from the University of Queensland, Australia. Prior to joining Fulbright University Vietnam, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Economics and the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans at Tulane University.
Nguyen Thi Hoang Lan, Faculty Member in Economics See more

Meet our Fulbrighters

Come and learn how Fulbright has impacted the lives of our current students and graduates.

Featured student

“I started my journey in Economics with the best course ever - Principles of Economics 2. This course truly inspired me because I tackled several interesting issues including analyzing the GDP and proposing an alternative measure for GDP, or suggesting policies and possible actions to solve the pain-point issues of a province. As a problem solver, that appeals to me to learn, grow, and explore the Economics major more and more. The fact that Economics is a social study was one of the most valuable lessons I ever acquired. Even though we have to deal with a lot of quantitative material when learning, Economics ultimately aids in our understanding of human behavior, institutions, and relationships. Studying Economics enables me to know why people do what they do!”
Phan Thi Kim Nuong, Class of 2024 Collapse
Class of 2025
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy An
  • Nguyễn Công Quốc Anh
  • Trần Như Bách
  • Pham Anh Chi
  • Nguyen Dang Hung Cuong
  • Phạm Thị Hồng Dung
  • Nguyễn Bảo Hân
  • Bùi Quốc Khải
  • Nguyen Bao Khang
  • Cao Nguyen Tuan Khoi
  • Nguyen Nhat Lam
  • Đinh Hoa Linh
  • Nguyễn Phương Linh
  • Trần Tú Linh
  • Le Duc Dai Loc
  • Phạm Đức Minh
  • Hoang Dung Vu Minh
  • Hoàng Xuân Ngân
  • Trần Ngọc Phương Nghi
  • Nguyễn Viên Nhi
  • Tô Nữ Quỳnh Như
  • Hoang Anh Phuong
  • Nguyễn Đức Quang
  • Le Thi Truc Quynh
  • Nguyen Thi Lan Thanh
  • Vo Ngoc Thao
  • Khuc Thi Huyen Trang
  • Nguyen Thi Bao Tram
  • Nguyen Phuong Uyen
  • Pham Ngoc Ha Vi
  • Đinh Tuấn Việt
  • Do Thu An
  • Truong Thuy Lam Anh
  • Võ Tâm Dũng
  • Trần Thu Giang
  • Nguyễn Đình An Hạnh
  • Nguyễn Quốc Hiếu
  • Nguyen Dinh Khoa
  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan
  • Nguyễn Hoang Yen Minh
  • Lê Nhật Minh
  • Bui Thi Mo
  • Nguyễn Hà Phan
  • Nguyen Minh Phu
  • Trần Quang Phúc
  • Nguyễn Minh Phương
  • Lê Võ Thanh Tâm
  • Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo
  • Bùi Dương Đăng Thiên
  • Nguyen Hieu Thuan
  • Huỳnh Ngọc Thủy Tiên
  • Tang Linh Trang
  • Phạm Gia Khang
  • Nguyễn Ngọc Anh
Class of 2024
  • Lưu Quốc Anh
  • Nguyễn Huỳnh Trâm Anh
  • Hồ Ngọc Hiếu Châu
  • Nguyễn Đăng Tiến Dũng
  • Từ Khánh Đăng
  • Thuận Thân Đoàn
  • Đỗ Cẩm Hoàng Hoa
  • Nguyễn Hoài Nam
  • Hoàng Thanh Nga
  • Phan Thị Kim Nương
  • Hứa Nguyễn Lan Phương
  • Trần Mai Phương
  • Nguyễn Thành Phương
  • Lê Đồng Vũ Phương
  • Bùi Đoàn Khánh Quân
  • Nguyễn Minh Tân
  • Nguyễn Minh Thư
  • Phùng Thị Anh Thy
  • Nguyễn Thu Trang
  • Đoàn Lê Phương Uyên
  • Trịnh Thế Vinh
  • Nguyễn Quốc Huy
  • Nguyễn Việt Hà
  • Nguyễn Võ Phương Vy
  • Nguyễn Phan Việt Hằng
  • Nguyễn Như Nhật Nam
  • Trần Thuỳ Dương
  • Lê Thị Thùy Dương
  • Phạm Minh Ngọc
  • Nguyễn Bảo Ngọc
  • Vũ Thị Thanh Tâm
  • Trần Thị Ngọc Mai
  • Lê Khánh Đoan
  • Hoàng Ngọc Gia Hương

Meet our Alumni

Come and learn how Fulbright has impacted the lives of our current students and graduates.

Featured alumni

“Why did you choose the major? I chose to pursue economics due to three reasons: Economics helps me understand human behaviors and social issues through the logical lens of math and modeling. Economics provides the combination of both quantitative and qualitative skills, which allows me to apply them in my profession and academic research. Economics equips sufficient background for me to flexibly explore closely-related areas such as business, political science, public policy, and data science. How has the major helped in your career? I will never regret pursuing economics at Fulbright. I cannot say that studying this major will be enough for you to land a “good" job (you can define good based on your definition), but I did fulfill all of my career and academic goals by leveraging the resources and connections at Fulbright. I am currently working in the field of development consulting, which allows me to apply lots of skills and knowledge from economics. Some advice for current students: If you want to have data analysis skills or conduct economics research, take economics method and econometrics as soon as possible. Do not be afraid too take any challenging courses. You will never know until you try it. Math and coding courses are really helpful if you want to pursue graduate study in economics.”
Nguyen Tri Dung, Class os 2023 Collapse

Selected Faculty Publications

Graeme Walker

Arifovic, Jasmina, B. Curtis Eaton and Graeme Walker. ”The Coevolution of Beliefs Publications and Networks.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2015): 46-63.

Khieu Van Hoang

“Capital income risk and the dynamics of the wealth distribution” (with Klaus W¨alde), Economic Modelling, 122, 2023

Nguyen Thi Hoang Lan

Price Staggering in Cartels (with Heiko Gerlach) – International Journal of Industrial Organization

Phan Tuan Ngoc

“Rust Removal: Why Vietnam’s Anti-Corruption Efforts Have Failed to Deliver Results and What That Implies for Future Campaigns”, with Edmund Malesky in The Political Logics of Anti Corruption Efforts in Asia, edited by Meredith Weiss and Cheng Chen, SUNY Press, 2019

2023 ”Incentives, Audits and Corruption: Evidence from a District-Level Field Experiment in Ghana”, co-authored with Elaine K. Denny, Diego Romero, and Erik Wibbels Published in Governance

Luu Duc Thi

Grassi, R., P. Bartesaghi, G. P. Clemente, and D. T. Luu (2022). The multilayer architecture of the global input-output network and its properties. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 204, 304–341.

Capstone projects

Class of 2023
Taxes and economic growth
Phan Thuc Anh
Is there a bubble in the US biotech industry?
Duong Gia Bach
Energy use and economic development
Le Quoc Chi
How does digital-era internalization manifest itself in Southeast Asia?
Nguyen Nho Thuc Khang
Does Inflation Targeting Affect Economic Performance? Evidence from Emerging Economies
Bui Quang Minh
Analysis on the costs of accessing basic healthcare services in Vietnam
Ly Minh Tu
Experiment on differences in behavior when using money and other representative forms of money
Quach Thanh Thuy An
Effects of aging population on long-term economic growth
Nguyen Tri Dung
Awareness about and shopping behaviors during promotional campaigns on E-commerce platforms
Dang Nguyen Huong Duong
Central Bank Digital Currency: Economics, Developments, and Policy Issues
Nguyen Vu Tung Lam
Waste Management towards Sustainable Development: A comprehensive framework approach to waste circulation and its implementation in socio-economic growth Vietnam.
Thai Thanh Mi
Career Preparation for Vietnamese Undergraduates
Pham Hoang Nhat Phuong
GS3-Game Studio3: New Market identification
Truong Nguyen Hoai Minh
Betafarms-Business Proposal
Le Kieu Oanh

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