Life @ Fulbright

To Meet Each Other is Fate


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Under the vast blue sky, 40 minds joined in one summer journey.

It was a rainy day where I was living, the humid air and the smell of soil in my nose turned into incredible pleasure. I do not know why I feel lucky on that day, the hunch that there will be a big event that changes my view of life.

As usual, I went to the English club with the joy of the summer, even though I still had to learn more, but my plans to go out on a motorcycle would leave me forgetting about math class. I received a surprise phone call from the strangest number. It is a scholarship in the city – FEL. I was stunned for two seconds, then I screamed, happy to inform friends at the club. I looked forward, day by day, to the big family. 40 people from all over the city, the eager expression in my eyes.

I’m on Facebook, starting to interact, but just the message introducing myself, greetings. But everything in my head became the warmest, most sentimental feeling.And then, I set foot in the villa in Phu My Hung area – where I think only the new people arrived. “I’m in Nantong 3, A69.” Oh, I’m very proud, but proud of what FEL has brought.

[/vc_column_text][ultimate_heading main_heading=”We are the pieces in life who haven’t ever met. We can bring ourselves to create a beautiful picture. ” main_heading_color=”#075d78″ sub_heading_color=”#26b4aa” alignment=”left” sub_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:17px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:24px;” el_class=”quote” sub_heading_margin=”margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:35px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:41px;”][/ultimate_heading][vc_single_image image=”5341″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

I met other members in the room, North and Central South are all present. There is Ha Tinh, Tien Giang, Ha Nam and me – the baby Tay Ninh only carry a kilogram of rice paper and two bags of salt as “presents”.

The first two days, I was very homesick, I do not understand why every phone call led to automatic tears. When I was away from home to go to school, the kids were crying, and I kept my face calm and stoic.

But because of the different environment, because the food was not good, because the room was “cold” to me, I could not stop it.

Everything changed drastically on the third day, and also a beautiful day gave me good friends. They come to my room, free to eat rice paper and chat looking up at the sky.

And since then, I know how to cherish everything around me, and understand the joy of the little things. Each passing day, perhaps for those who are busy living in lavish cities, is a tedious thing, but it is a miracle for me, and happiness is hard to describe.

We went to school together, had lunch together, slept in the same rooms, and talked about life together. Different opinions, different voices and thoughts but strange harmony.

I may have forgotten my previous worries and volunteered to give way to understand the lives of the other 39 people.

The toilet is off, the food is late for hours, burns, fainted, the pressure of learning – every difficulty turns into nothingness as we sit together and listen, understand, share, love.

I realized how successful I was, not physically, but about how to live, how to treat those around me.

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We are not overtly talented, we are not the people who can mold the world in the shape that we want. We are normal, but not trivial. We all desire to contribute to our communities and bring new ideas.

We are the pieces in life who haven’t ever met. We can bring ourselves to create a beautiful picture. Each piece has its own points, each of us has a different angle, but we understand how to love those points, and grow together day by day.

Separation can not be avoided, grief-yes, happiness-yes, both the joy and the mind are hidden in the heart of each, when to remember each other, can rewind as a movie footage slow motion.

Meet, love, leave each other. The law of time does not leave anyone, this sky also has immense vastness, separation between humans. However, I still believe that we will meet again. Will greet each other, and say, “Hi, long time no see!” And then talk about the old stories. Familiar smiles light up every step of the way.


Nice to meet you. To meet each other is fate!

See you again!!

I love you!

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