FELSaigon City Tour


40 Fulbright Everest Launchpad (FEL) students just had an eventful “city tour” around Saigon. With the motto “playing is learning”, the students had a memorable day full of laughters and, of course, cute “selfies”.

One of the most important stops during this tour is Vietnam’s first McDonald’s restaurant, owned by a member of Fulbright University Vietnam’s Board of Trustees, Henry Nguyen. Here, the students had a chance to listen to no other than Henry Nguyen, and were inspired by his start-up story a nd university experience.

The 4-week scholarship in Ho Chi Minh City is coming to an end. It is, however, still full of tears. These are no longer the tears of homesickness, but tears of the thought of having to say goodbye when the time comes.


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