
Fulbright Simulations Invite Real World Practitioners


One of the defining features of the Master of Public Policy Program (MPP) at Fulbright’s School of Public Policy and Management is that its practicality and knowledge is not limited to formal lectures or textbooks. Students can interact with external experts and practitioners to explore and debate widely discussed topics. To realize this ambition, lecturers at Fulbright devise simulations practice to help students experience different roles in public organizations and understand public processes.

On October 20th, in the Law and Public Policy course for MPP 2020, two special simulations were conducted. The first simulation focused on examining local policies. In particular, students and the teaching team reproduced Ho Chi Minh City Council’s hearing on the Thu Thiem Theater Project. Mr. Tran Vuong Thach, Director of Ho Chi Minh Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Ballet, attended the simulation.

The second simulation recreated a hearing of one of the National Assembly Committees on giving public land for infrastructure development under the Build-Transfer Format. During the replication, students represented various actors: Local government officials, investors, central government officers, and affiliated ministries. Dr. Nguyen Si Dung, Former Vice President of National Assembly Office attended the hearing.

During these two simulations, students put themselves into different social roles, and voiced their opinions from various perspectives with vested interests. From these experiences, students learn to analyze a policy decision from multiple dimensions and know how to coordinate divergent interests of stakeholders, aiming towards an effective public governance.

Note: The simulations are part of the Leadership and Management courses in the Master of Public Policy Program for educational purposes. There are no journalists or media broadcasters attending the simulation and content of the simulation is not published.



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