
Fulbright University Vietnam signs partnership agreement with EnPointe Management Corporation


Ho Chi Minh city, March 31, 2021 – Fulbright University Vietnam and EnPointe Management Corporation recently signed a memorandum of understanding for a comprehensive partnership. This will enable Fulbright students to develop critical and creative thinking skills with the arts as their vehicle to become well-rounded future leaders.

Being an ecosystem with more than 20 members, EnPointe carries both intensive and extensive ventures in education, arts and culture, and media. This partnership agreement entails a comprehensive collaboration between the two parties in co-hosting various programs, masterclasses, and speaker/workshop series to encourage the young generation to be liberal and creative in their quest for knowledge.

This allows Fulbright students to explore and experience a variety of career opportunities in arts – ranging from music, choreography, performing arts, to cinematic productions and media management. In addition, EnPointe commits to actively participate in career development activities at Fulbright, providing business units tours, job shadowing, and internship opportunities at all units in EnPointe’s ecosystem. Furthermore, Fulbright students will have access to EnPointe’s high-quality arts learning, like a dance class at a discounted tuition fee in accordance to what the two organization’s leaders playfully convert to the “Tra Sua Index (TSI)”, equating to the cost of a standard milk tea.

As the emphasis on the arts and humanities is declining in higher education, the partnership is to prove that the arts and humanities are vital to foster the next generation of changemakers by equipping them with creativity, compassion, and community. And this applies to all students in all disciplines, not only those who choose to pursue arts majors.

Fulbright believes that the learning process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and values does not limit to the four-wall classroom but also in the co-curricular environment. Only then can students bring theories to practice, develop essential skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and effective communications. Partnering with EnPointe to deliver extracurricular activities complements the classroom education and enhances students’ lifelong learning skillset. Such approach guarantees that students will not only become mindful citizens of the society, but they will also lead vibrant and meaningful lives.

Ms. Dam Bich Thuy, President of Fulbright University Vietnam, resonates with EnPointe’s mission to shape Vietnam’s future generations through the power of creative education by providing full education pathways, to empower Vietnamese children to become ambassadors for life. She remarked: “Our collaboration with EnPointe carries deeply the spirit of a liberal arts education. In the advent of a tech-enabled world, it is the human-centered thinking from the arts and humanities that we need more than ever, to ensure that the direction society is going is for the greater good, and that we can keep each other accountable for our actions and their repercussions beyond ourselves. Together with EnPointe, Fulbright is signaling that the arts and humanities – and the perspectives and mindsets that entail it – are in fact quintessential to shaping the future leaders and changemakers of tomorrow.”

In the 4.0 era where knowledge is just one click away with the aid of technology, it is the human skills that should be the center of focus for education. Mr. Thanh Bui, Chairman of EnPointe Management Corporation, expressed: “The core values of EnPointe align with Fulbright University’s in our passion to develop a new generation of Vietnamese who can match it with the world, and more importantly, they understand that they are deeply rooted in the Vietnamese culture.

Mr. Thanh Bui, Chairman of EnPointe Management Corporation

“We’re here through EnPointe Management to be able to bring the arts and as much creativity as possible to inspire the students to be holistic into multi-disciplinary. I believe that creativity is such an important element for the future, in a world that we don’t know what’s going to happen. I believe that those who are not afraid of the future, those who believe in their abilities to connect the dots that have never been connected before. I think you guys hold the future.”

The student body at Fulbright is indeed very dynamic, with diverse backgrounds and talents. Nevertheless, they all share a great interest in arts and expressing one’s identity. At the signing ceremony, Anh Kiet and Phuong Anh (Class of 2023) represented Fulbright Music Club to deliver two heartfelt performances. Being a brilliant artist with great enthusiasm for music himself, Mr. Thanh Bui was so touched by the students’ passion for arts that he promised personal singing lessons to members of the Music Club. From just the initial interaction, there sparked great potentials for further collaborations and ignited the bond for a stronger and more creative community.

About EnPointe Management Corporation:

EnPointe Management Corporation is focused on building a collection of the most creative, passionate, and talented individuals in Vietnam to unlock the tremendous value within our rapidly growing Group ecosystem. We encourage individuals to be the best versions of themselves and to express their creativity through various disciplines, mediums, and platforms available within our group. We live by our mission “Shaping the Future through the Arts” and are driven by our core values of Challenge, Creativity, Compassion, and Community.

Fulbright students and Ms. Do Hai Anh – Artistic Director of SCBC Vietnam, a member of EnPointe

Student Dang Anh Kiet delivering an emotional performance

EnPointe’s management representatives

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