
A sneak-peek into Fulbright’s Orientation Weeks 2022


As summer recedes into fall, the new semester at Fulbright University Vietnam is just around the corner with hundreds of new and returning students start filling our multicultural campus at District 7, Ho Chi Minh City. After scaling back to an online solution because of the pandemic last year, we are excited to bring back our traditional Orientation Weeks on campus, with occasional hybrid options to welcome 250 students of the Class of 2026.

The two-week orientation is a robust lineup of events that will warmly welcome new students and familiarize them with university life. The initiative is expected to equip Fulbright newbies with essential competencies and human+ skills, enabling a smooth transition from high school to university. The freshmen will also be able to develop a sense of belonging at Fulbright, get to know the campus and the multitude of student services, and form meaningful connections with new friends, lecturers, and staff. As an extra perk, a special orientation kit and merchandise for every active engagement will be sent out as a means of recognition.

Fulbright's new students receive orientation kit

The Class of 2026 will be split into groups of 10-15 students led by a volunteer senior, also known as Student Orientation Leaders, and kickstart their Flamee Journey together. Inspired by a little flame – Flamee, who constantly takes on challenges to acquire a wealth of intriguing knowledge and skills to fulfill its lifelong dream of becoming the most sparkling Firework, each Fulbright newcomer will set their upcoming 4-year Flamee journey in motion, starting with Orientation Weeks 2022.

After much buzz and anticipation, the program finally kicks off today, September 5, and is guaranteed to bring joy to every Fulbright new faces. They will have a chance to explore the campus, get to know the student services, collect their Student ID and Orientation Kit, and take part in important information sessions including Service Fair and OneStop introduction.

Fulbright freshmen recieve orientation kit

In the next couple of days, the worth-waiting #FulReady Workshops will take place, introducing the youth to 11 Co-Curricular Activity Competencies ranging from innovative and creative thinking, and reasoning, to effective communications and collaborations, just to name a few. While embarking on their uniquely dynamic growth, newbies will also get hands-on knowledge and be critical of Fulbright’s academic expectations and social norms, in and out-of-class programs, student services, and relevant resources, along with many other learning and development opportunities available.

Laden with numerous workshops is a variety of physical and recreational activities that encourage newcomers to be aware of a healthy lifestyle and social connection, hence, enriching their upcoming university experience. During the next two weeks, multiple physical activities will be hosted both on and off campus, among them the First Fulbright Project, which will foster self-reflection and emotional awareness at the end of the orientation program. Even though transitioning from high school to university may span more than merely a fortnight, being mindful of changes and the roller coaster ride of emotions is a great start for any freshman.

May the upcoming four years at Fulbright bring each Flamee a breadth of knowledge, a light of wisdom, and a solid bedrock to an intentional, fulfilling life. Welcome to the family!

Orientation Week 2022 schedule

View the detailed schedule of Orientation Weeks 2022 HERE.

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