Yu Chung Vincent Ng


Email: yuchung.ng@fulbright.edu.vn 

Fields of Interest:  

  • Natural Language Processing 
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • AI-based Software Engineering 

Education: Ph.D. 2004, Cornell University 


Vincent Ng is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas and a Senior Visiting Faculty Member in Computer Science at Fulbright University. He obtained his B.S. from Carnegie Mellon University and his Ph.D. from Cornell University. His general areas of research are in natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), and AI-based software engineering. He has been conducting research in these areas for more than two decades and is a leading expert on machine learning for information extraction from text. He has published extensively in AI and NLP conferences such as AAAI, IJCAI and ACL, and has given tutorials and organized numerous workshops at these conferences. He has also been actively involved in the organization of these conferences, serving in organizing committees as tutorial chair, workshop chair, and student research chair, as well as in program committees as program chair, senior area chair, and area chair. He has served or is serving as an action/associate editor for various AI and NLP journals, such as Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics, Transactions of the ACL, and ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. He has recently been collaborating with researchers in political science, software engineering, and history on multi-disciplinary projects that involve real-time extraction of political events from news articles and automatic analysis of bug reports and political propaganda.  

Courses: Introduction to Machine Learning 

Select Publications:  

  • Machine/Deep Learning for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review. Simin Wang, Liguo Huang, Amiao Gao, Jidong Ge, Tengfei Zhang, Haitao Feng, Ishna Satyarth, Ming Li, He Zhang, and Vincent Ng. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022. 
  • Deexaggeration. Li Kong, Chuanyi Li, and Vincent Ng. Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 4185-4192, 2022. 
  • Legal Judgment Prediction via Event Extraction with Constraints. Yi Feng, Chuanyi Li, and Vincent Ng. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 648-664, 2022. 
  • Constrained Multi-Task Learning for Bridging Resolution. Hideo Kobayashi, Yufang Hou, and Vincent Ng. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 759-770, 2022. 
  • SPT-Code: Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-Training for Learning Source Code Representations. Changan Niu, Chuanyi Li, Vincent Ng, Jidong Ge, LiGuo Huang, and Bin Luo. Proceedings of the 44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (Research Track), 1-13, 2022. 

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