Tran Duy Hien


Ph.D. (in 2009) and M.S. (in 2004), Mathematics/Statistics, New Mexico State University; B.S., Mathematics and Computer Sciences, National University, Ho Chi Minh City 

Dr. Hien is currently a senior lecturer at School of Engineering at Tan Tao University. Before moving to Tan Tao University, Dr. Hien has taught in the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Notre Dame (U.S.A.) and in the Department of Mathematics at Central Michigan University (U.S.A.). His courses have included mathematics, probability and statistics, and several courses on statistics for engineers and scientists.   

Dr. Hien’s research interests include statistical risk analysis, risk modeling for coarse data (including censored, missing, incomplete and imprecise data), and statistical modeling for dependence structure. He has recently started doing research in machine learning.  

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