Quach Minh Phat


Quách Minh Phát was born in 2003 in Vĩnh Lợi District, Bạc Liêu Province, Mekong Delta. He studied Literature at Bạc Liêu High School for the Gifted from 2017 to 2020. At Fulbright, he majored in Vietnam Studies with a sub-focus on Political Science. He was President of FulPride & Alliance, promoting a safe environment for the LGBTIQ+ community, and served as Student Major Representative for Vietnam Studies in Spring 2023-2024.

During his time at Fulbright, Phát explored his capabilities and confronted his fear of English proficiency. He questioned whether his English skills met academic requirements and supported effective integration into an English-speaking community. With support from professors, the Learning Support Center, and friends, he improved his language skills and learned that making mistakes is part of the process. He believes the most important thing is to recognize our concerns and fears when we are ready, and then find internal and external resources to overcome them.

Phát graduated with Capstone Honors. He plans to pursue graduate studies but prioritizes gaining work experience first. He is committed to supporting the community, bridging societal gaps, and making essential resources accessible to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.

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