Academic Team

Elizabeth Hayton Liendo




Fields of Interest:  

  • Comparative medieval literatures (primary areas of research: English, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish)  
  • Violence, gender, and the law 
  • Depictions of erotic violence 
  • Codes of grief and intersections with ideals of masculinity/femininity  

PhD: 2019, Pennsylvania State University, USA (Comparative Literature) 

Bio: Elizabeth Liendo is a comparative medievalist, specializing in depictions of desire and erotic violence. Her research focuses on the intersections between depictions of erotic violence, women’s grief, and conceptions of authorship and poetic mastery. Some of her recent publications include an article on penetration and violence in Marie de France’s Lais, an essay on the suffering of Hecuba in Shakespeare’s Rape of Lucrece, and an article on how depictions of masculine grief are evoked and obscured by imagery of nakedness in Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess. She has secondary interests in global pedagogies of the medieval period and has recently contributed a podcast episode on teaching medieval studies in Asia to the Medieval Academy of America podcast series.  

While Elizabeth’s research portfolio focuses on medieval and early modern literature, her teaching experience is broad. She has taught literature from ancient to modern in various contexts, holding positions at Guilford College, NYU Shanghai, at Shanghai High School International Division.  

Select Publications:  

  • “’The painter was no god’: Rewriting Hecuba and speaking violence in Shakespeare’s Rape of Lucrece.” Under review
  • “’And live ye on the border?’: Imagined boundaries and shifting space in medieval Scottish literature.” In Medieval Borders and the Environment. Edited by Elisa Ramazzina. Brill: Leiden, Netherlands. Forthcoming 2025
  • “The Wound that Bleeds: Feminization and Violence in Marie de France’s Lais.” Neophilologus 104.1 (Spring 2020): 19-32. 
  • “’In hir bed al naked’: Nakedness and Male Grief in Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess.” Philological Quarterly 96.4 (Fall 2017): 405-24. 
  • “Reading Chaucer in Mandarin: how we teach the global Middle Ages abroad.” The Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast. Medieval Academy of America. Published 25 July 2022.  


Intro to Literary Studies: The Gothic, Grotesque, and Uncanny 

“Queer” Then and Now: Queerness in Theory and Literature 

Gods, Heroes, and Beasts: Epic Narratives from Medieval to Early Modern 

The Arthurian Legend 

Love, Sex, and Desire in the Global Early Period  

Early British Literature  

Shakespeare in Film 

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(English below) ASEAN SOCIAL IMPACT PROGRAM 2023 - VÌ MỘT “HÀNH TINH” KHỎE MẠNH HƠN Chương trình ASEAN Social Impact Program 2023 - ASIP (Tác động xã hội ASEAN) đã chính thức khép lại với phần trình bày ý tưởng của các đội thi. Trước ban giám khảo và các nhà tài trợ tài năng...


(English below) ✨ LỜI CHÚC NĂM GIÁP THÌN 2024 ✨ Bước sang thềm năm mới Giáp Thìn, Đại học Fulbright Việt Nam xin được gửi đến mọi nhà lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất 🐉 Với trái tim tràn đầy hy vọng hoà cùng niềm vui đầu năm, chúng tôi vô cùng trân trọng sự tin tưởng và hỗ trợ vô giá Fulbright nhận được trong hành trình vừa qua, là động lực hướng đến những điều tuyệt vời sẽ tiếp nối trong năm nay 🌟 Nhân dịp năm Rồng, Fulbright xin kính chúc vạn sự hanh thông, mọi niềm mong thành hiện thực 🌟 --- ✨ HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR 2024 ✨ As we step into New Year, the Year of the Dragon, Fulbright University Vietnam would like to extend our best wishes to everyone 🐉 With hearts filled with hope and joy as we embark on the new year, we deeply appreciate the invaluable trust and support Fulbright has received on our journey thus far, serving as motivation towards the wonderful things that will continue in the year ahead 🌟 As the Dragon's year unfolds its tale, Fulbright extends wishes, setting sail. Prosperity's breeze, in every gale, May dreams come true, without fail 🌟

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