Chang-Yau Hoon


Chang-Yau Hoon (CY Hoon) is an Associate Professor and Director of Centre for Advanced Research (CARe) at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, where he obtained his Ph.D. (with Distinction) in 2007. He is also Chairperson of the Academic Advisory Board of Brunei Research Centre at Guangxi University for Nationalities in China. Prior to this, he was Assistant Professor of Asian Studies and Sing Lun Fellow at Singapore Management University, where he was awarded the SMU Teaching Excellence Award in 2012 and SMU Research Excellence Award in 2014.

CY is an active researcher specializing in the Chinese diaspora, identity politics, multiculturalism, China-ASEAN relations, and religious and cultural diversity in contemporary Southeast Asia. His books include Chinese Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Culture, Media and Politics (Sussex Academic Press, 2008), Chinese Indonesians Reassessed: History, Religion and Belonging (Routledge, 2013), Catalysts of Change: Ethnic Chinese Business in Asia (World Scientific, 2014), Contesting Chineseness: Ethnicity, Identity and Nation in China and Southeast Asia (Springer, 2021), Mutual Imaginings: The Past in the Present of China and Southeast Asia (Lexington Press, 2022), Stability, Growth and Sustainability: Catalysts for Socio-economic Development in Brunei Darussalam (ISEAS, Forthcoming 2023) and Christianity in Urban Indonesia: Ethnicity, Education and Enterprise (Sussex Academic Press, Forthcoming 2023).

Besides teaching and research, CY also regularly presents research papers at international conferences, facilitates workshops and intercultural dialogue sessions, and engages in various consultancy activities with corporate and government agencies. He has held visiting positions at Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copehagen (2008), Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta (2003 & 2010), Fudan University, Shanghai (2017), Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning (2018-2021), National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2020) and King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID), Vienna (2020-2021).

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