Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a fundamental tenet of Fulbright’s approach to teaching and learning. We believe wholeheartedly that students learn best when they take newly acquired knowledge and apply it in a new context. The Experiential Learning team at Fulbright seeks to create opportunities to do just that in professional, international, and service-oriented settings. We lead study abroad, career and post-graduate advising, and service learning functions at Fulbright.

Career Services

Currently, Fulbright provides one-on-one career advising for all students, as well as professional development workshops throughout the year. Students can arrange to meet with a career coach to review a resume, prepare for an interview, or discuss broader career aspirations. We also work closely with prospective employers in Vietnam and around the globe to support them in learning about and recruiting our students.

Students interested in arranging an appointment should do so here.

AmCham – Fulbright Employer Skills Gap Report

The American Chamber of Commerce Vietnam-Ho Chi Minh City (AmCham Vietnam) Education Committee and Fulbright University Vietnam have partnered to conduct an Employer Skills Gap Survey to provide insight on whether companies are able to hire individuals with the most needed talents and skills.  

Although recent international reports have analyzed employers’ shifting demands of new hires as the nature of work changes, most of the source data for these reports come from the West and can be hard to apply to Vietnam and Southeast Asia.  

This Skills Gap Report provides a localized understanding by gathering information from employers in Vietnam about their current skills demands and how well the labor market in Vietnam meets those needs. 

To read the report, click here.

To view the Skills Gap webinar, click here.

To get involved with bridging the gap, please contact Careers team (careers@fulbright.edu.vn) or education@amchamvietnam.com 

FAQ for Students

  • I am a prospective student. What career opportunities exist for me if I join Fulbright?

    Our students come to Fulbright with a wide range of interests and passions. As a liberal arts, sciences and engineering university, we foster these diverse interests through our courses and advising. All students have opportunities for one-on-one advising and connections with industry leaders and mentors. We encourage students to pursue internships during the summers and where possible during the academic year; we will also pursue experiential learning opportunities in connection with certain courses.

  • Will Fulbright get me a job?

    Fulbright is not responsible for directly securing any of its students’ employment following graduation. Instead, the Career Services team will work with you over your four years to hone your career readiness skills. Through workshops, advising, career fairs, site visits, and mentoring relationships, we will equip you with the skills necessary to search and compete for jobs that fit your goals and interests.

  • Are there jobs available on campus?

    When there is a job vacancy for students, the Office of Student Life will send an email to all students, along with instructions on how to apply. Students will also be eligible to apply for internships (paid and unpaid) and volunteer roles as they become available on campus.

  • What materials do I need for a career advising meeting?

    All students should bring a hard copy of their CV to a career advising meeting. If the meeting is to prepare for a specific job or internship opportunity, please bring an electronic or hard copy of the relevant job materials, including job description, cover letter, etc.

FAQ for Employers

  • I am a prospective employer. How do I reach and recruit Fulbright students?

    We welcome and encourage employers to consider Fulbright students for internships and post-graduate employment. We are happy to arrange on-campus recruiting and information sessions for interested organizations, as well as share job opportunities with our students. All information can be directed to Careers team at careers@fulbright.edu.vn.

  • Why should I recruit Fulbright students?

    Our students are unique in many ways as individuals, and their Fulbright training makes them particularly valuable to your organization. Our liberal arts curriculum ensures students build a wide set of competencies and skills. From day one, our students work in diverse teams to develop projects, learn to execute deliverables of the highest quality and on time, gain skills to address conflict and provide feedback, and hone creative problem solving capabilities. While most university graduates can offer employers technical knowledge in their area of study, Fulbright graduates will bring that and the employability skills necessary to grow and improve your business.

Our team

Do you have any additional questions?