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Course Catalogue

Welcome to the Fulbright University Vietnam Course Catalogue. This searchable database shows undergraduate courses taught since Academic Year 2021 – 2022.

This list is representative: not all courses will be offered in every semester; teaching faculty may be subject to change.

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Browse featured courses offered in Fall 2023:

Technology, Innovation and Military Conflict (NEW)

This multidisciplinary course focuses on the role of technology and innovation in the development and conduct of military conflict. Starting with a historical narrative, the course aims to highlight how and in which role technology and innovation have influenced military conflict. This section aims to highlight how military conflict, throughout the ages, has changed in […]

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

This course introduces students to the basic knowledge on Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a research field that studies how to realize the intelligent human behaviors on a computer. The ultimate goal of AI is to make a computer that can learn, plan, and solve problems autonomously. In this course, student will learn the […]

Macroeconomic Analysis

This course covers the theories of economic growth and business cycles and the conduct of public policies such as monetary and fiscal policies. The course will particularly focus on theoretical underpinnings of the models. In the first part, theories of exogenous and endogenous growth will be presented. In particular, the first part will cover the […]

Sustainable Development: Science and Industries

Climate change and environmental pollution have caused devastating damages to human lives and ecological systems. Thus, sustainable development has become the focus of policies and economies and increasingly more important to many citizens. We all know the usual sources of pollution such as oil and gas industry and transportation; however, we may not be aware […]

Real Analysis (NEW)

What is a real number? Why are there “more” real numbers than rational numbers when both sets of numbers are infinite? If a sequence does not blow up to infinity, does this mean that it must eventually converge? Is there a function that is continuous everywhere but nowhere differentiable? What is the relationship between continuity […]

The Anthropology of Sex (NEW)

What is sex? Why do we have sex? Moreover, how can we study sex anthropologically and ethically? Both in terms of male/female bodily sexes and in terms of sexual play and desire, sex has been a central concern to anthropologists since the very founding of the discipline in the late nineteenth century. This course analyzes […]

Advanced Deep Learning

The course Advanced Deep Learning aims at providing students with a good understanding of advanced architectures of deep neural networks and algorithms, along with deriving practical AI solutions in various domains such as economics, fintech, computer vision, natural language processing. The course demonstrates mathematical concepts and hands-on skills required for the algorithms that are typically […]

Digital Marketing

New digital technologies have fundamentally reshaped marketing theory and practice in the last decade alone. This course addresses how technology has changed the modes of communication through which firms engage with consumers. It provides a curated overview of very recent cases and theories related to Big Consumer Data, fine-grained behavioral analytics, new monitoring tools, precise […]

Introduction to Bioinformatics

The course provides a broad introduction to the entire field of bioinformatics. The basics of bioinformatics are explained, followed by discussions of the state-of-the-art computational tools available to solve medical and biological research problems. All key areas of bioinformatics are covered including biological databases, sequence alignment, gene and promoter prediction, molecular phylogenetics, structural bioinformatics, genomics […]

Introduction Psychology

This course is designed to be an Engaged Inquiry into psychology, focusing not just on only helping students to get to know what psychology is, but also helping students develop important critical and scientific thinking skills as they engage in collaborative and reflective learning. Through this course, students will be introduced to many of the […]

The Anthropology of Law (NEW)

What is Law? Why do we have it? How can we study it? While the concept of law exists across societies, its form and meaning change “ law can be found in courtrooms, classrooms, border crossings, or the magical spells cast by witch doctors. This course looks at law from an anthropological perspective, investigating: (1) […]

Disability and Culture

This course is an interdisciplinary study of social understandings of disability, particularly its relationship to categories of sex/sexuality, gender, and identity. Using examples drawn from various points in history, various countries around the world, and various disability categories (psychiatric/psychosocial, intellectual, physical, etc.), students read a variety of texts, including ethnographies, autobiographies, and case studies, in […]

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