Academic Team

Mira Seo

Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies & Vice Provost



Education: BA Swarthmore College; BA University of Oxford; MA PhD Princeton University

A specialist in Roman poetry, Mira Seo has been deeply engaged with liberal arts education, core curriculum development, and globalizing the Humanities throughout her career.  Mira began her career at Swarthmore College followed by the University of Michigan, where she was promoted to Associate Professor in the Departments of Classical Studies and Comparative Literature. In 2012 she was recruited to the inaugural faculty of Yale-NUS College, a collaboration between Yale University and the National University of Singapore. She was a member of the Teagle Foundation’s National Forum for Liberal Education, and has held fellowships at the W.E.B. Du Bois Research Institute at Harvard; she has been an invited speaker and consultant at numerous institutions, including Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, NYU Abu Dhabi, Bard Berlin, NYU Shanghai, Duke-Kunshan University, Fulbright University Vietnam, and University of Notre Dame.

At Yale-NUS, Mira led a collaborative Humanities faculty team to design a new Common Curriculum, served as Head of the Literature major, and co-founded an innovative minor in Global Antiquity.  She has chaired a number of governance committees and task forces to develop college policies including on Peer Teaching Observation and on Sexual Misconduct Policy, and in 2019 was the inaugural recipient of the Yale-NUS Distinguished Teaching Excellence Award.  In AY 2020-21 she joined college leadership as Director of the Common Curriculum and co-chaired an extensive internal and external review of the Common Curriculum.  She has published on Roman poetry of the first century CE, the neo-Latin poetry of Juan Latino, an African Latinist in 16th century Granada, and diversifying Classics (Exemplary Traits: Reading Characterization in Roman Poetry, Oxford 2013; “Classics for All” AJP 140.4, 2019).

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(English below) ASEAN SOCIAL IMPACT PROGRAM 2023 - VÌ MỘT “HÀNH TINH” KHỎE MẠNH HƠN Chương trình ASEAN Social Impact Program 2023 - ASIP (Tác động xã hội ASEAN) đã chính thức khép lại với phần trình bày ý tưởng của các đội thi. Trước ban giám khảo và các nhà tài trợ tài năng...


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